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Ideas can be like a box of chocolates – you never know which one your going to take… That makes sense right?! Perhaps not.


But seriously, turning an idea into a brand isn’t easy. Especially when you’re sitting at home adding something new to the list every night before bed. And more often than not, finding that once in a lifetime idea and sticking to it, can be the trickiest part of all.

Without structure and being conscious of maintaining a clear idea of your brand and what it reflects, it can be easy to fall off the path that we would all like to head in. Staying true to your values and where you want be in the future helps you focus on what direction you want your brand heading towards.

The excitement of new possibilities can often blur our vision, leave us feeling a bit lost, stuck, overwhelmed.. or a combination of all. Audiences can sense when we’re losing track of who we are and where we want to be, so finding a way to establish and maintain a clear direction for your brand is something you should always be thinking about.

Consistency and focus are key foundations of effective branding , especially if you really want to give your audience something to talk about. With great branding and a clear direction, the possibilities are endless. Do you have too many ideas for your own good? Here are six tips to help get you back on track:

1. Take a deep breath

It’s okay! Creating and maintaining a brand isn’t easy, if it was everyone would be doing it. It isn’t rocket science either, and definitely isn’t as complicated or scary as you might think it is. So relax, take a deep breath, take it step by step and lean into it – it can change your life (for the better of course).

2. Establish your why

There’s a reason why you’re umm’ing and ahh’ing about what direction to take your brand idea. You’re so passionate about something unique that it’s taking over you, and the only possible next step is to bring it all to life. You’ve just got to narrow down why you want too. Once you’ve established why you’re determined to turn an idea into something more, solidifying your ideas and creating your brand will become a lot easier.

3. Define your goals

What is it that you want to achieve with your brand? What do you want your brand to be known for? What sort of audience do you want your brand to attract? Where do you see your brand in 1, 5 or 10 years time? Establishing both short and long term goals from the outset will help you determine whether an idea is aligned with what you’re trying to accomplish (or not). Yes… you may have a great idea, but if it isn’t on par with your goals and your mission – it might not be the one.

4. Brainstorm and journal your ideas

Whether you need to write them down on a big sheet of paper, scribble them in your journal, or plug them into a spreadsheet – putting every thought, feeling and idea in the one place is crucial. With everything centralised in one spot, deciding which direction to move in becomes a whole lot easier.

5. Narrow down and commit

Selecting that light bulb idea is often the hardest part, but it’s also the most important. In order to clearly communicate to your audience who you are, what you do and stand for – your brand needs to have one solid idea that holds everything together. You need to be able to convey this in one simple statement, sentence or phrase that will leave your audience wanting more or at the very least fuelling some curiosity into your brand. Remember your why, and make sure it aligns with both your short and long term goals. It doesn’t have to be complicated or elaborate, but once you’re happy with something you’ve just gotta roll with it… the rest will unfold as you move through on your journey. The earlier you commit to something, the earlier you can begin to grow and evolve your brand.

6. Create your brand and stay consistent

When you have a clear idea and direction to take, the next step is to create a brand. A great brand appeals to its target audience, tells a story that people want to listen to and talk about, and builds both a personal and business relationship with those it attracts. Achieving this isn’t easy and doesn’t happen over night, it takes care, passion and persistence. So take the time and energy to ensure your brand is and represents what you want it too before you get cracking. It will be worth it in the long run.

When your brand is up to scratch, pat yourself on the back and celebrate – you’ve earned it! Moving forward, consistency is your biggest priority. Keeping yourself accountable by ensuring your brand always is aligned with your values and story is the absolute key to success. Never forget that!


