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Give more value with less effort.


We know how hard it is keeping your content up to date and relevant, particularly when branching that content over several platforms.
As a way of keeping your business staying time efficient this blog will show you ways in which you can create a variety of content out of one concept.

All it takes is one idea… write it down and turn it into one blog post. There’s no need for an essay, just a short few paragraphs that show your intentions and provides useful information to your readers. Not only will this give you a great starting point for the rest of your content, it also adds more value to your website – a win win!
Use this same information and turn it into a newsletter to send out to your already existing clients and subscribers. You can change around the phrasing a bit to target your email audience base better.

From these texts, you can extract snippets of one to two sentences and use them as captions for instagram posts with a relating image. It’s no secret that creating captions is the hardest part of Instagram posts, we’re all in that boat together!

The final step is throwing it all out there on Pinterest! Use either the snippets, or find some key words and ideas that really promote what you’re trying to get across and create some graphics out of them. You can create about five to eight graphics to promote yourself on Pinterest, all out of the one original blog post!

