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Why do we make content? It’s simple. To get it noticed, read, liked, shared and talked about. But does all content get treated this way? Absolutely not. Well maybe if you’re Kim Kardashian, but I’m guessing you’re not… not yet anyway!


Creating engaging content people will love isn’t easy, it can be quite difficult. It takes time, creativity, a solid plan of how to engage your audience and… a whole lot of persistence. There’s no clear path or step by step guide on how to do it, but we can agree that originality is key.

Above all else, if you want your brand to move forward and to be successful, you NEED great content. While the internet makes it much easier to get your brand out there, it’s also filled with average content which goes unseen and is thrown straight into the online trash can. The only way to escape it is by anchoring creativity, relevancy and originality throughout your content.

It’s crazy how quickly engaging content travels virally on the internet! With a click, a poke, a tweet or a post, you can literally spoon feed your audience awesome content which will not only drive your brand’s vision, but also build loyalty amongst your viewers. If you stay consistent in creating quality content, your audience will grow. Smart businesses are taking full advantage of our digital world, and we would love you to as well.

People trust originality, and to be honest; it’s a lot more fun. Every new bit of content you create, whether it’s an instagram post, a blog, graphic design or video, is another opportunity to show the world who YOU and your business really are. Injecting your culture into every piece of content you create gives your audience a deeper glimpse into your world; it opens up the possibility for more meaningful connections and opens the door for interaction. You’d be surprised at the impact original content has on your following and your business, so why not give it a go.

Here are FIVE Wild & Free tips to help you in creating great content and making the process a little easier for you

  1. Find your ‘why’

Next time you’re about to press ‘post’, have a think about why you’re doing it in the first place. Is it to help someone? Introduce something new? Show off something cool and new in your business? Maybe it’s to make your audience laugh by showing them that meme you’ve been in tears over all morning? Whatever it is, make sure you’re creating content with a clear, definitive purpose.

  1. Consistency is key

Ever wondered what happened to the band that sung ‘Come on Eileen’? Yeah, me neither. Consistency is the difference between being a one-hit wonder and becoming a household name people love to trust and can always rely on. Being consistent is the most effective way to create personable connections with your audience and is the best tool in creating brand loyalty.

  1. Give them a story

Gone are the days of posting the same old content day in and day out. Consumers want to buy into a way of life, a culture, a perception that things can be better than how they are. As budding content creators, it is our job to tell that story and connects and touches your readers; it’s hard to be successful if you can’t connect with your peeps.

  1. Be valuable

What makes your content more valuable than the next? Be careful not to post things just for the heck of it, even though that may seem like the easy thing to do. Creating valuable content is hard, hence why not everyone can do it! Have a think about what your contributing to your audience and how your next bit of content adds value to their lives.

  1. Just be you, baby

Most importantly, be uniquely you. Originality and authenticity is at the heart of all great content. Nothing is more attractive to a potential new follower than stumbling across content they haven’t seen or heard before. And as a content creator, nothing is more fun and enriching. Tell your own stories and create your own culture, because people are drawn to that piece of uniquity that only you can bring.
