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In the age of phones, consumers carry an expectation that your social media feeds will be up to date, relevant and timely. Sometimes, this means whipping out your phone to capture an important event unfolding right before your eyes, or creating a trendy Instagram story.


Phones are far less bulky than a DSLR camera and generally, it’s by your side all the time. Additionally, the quality of cameras within phones is higher than ever and as a result, so is the quality of content on social channels like Instagram.

And because of this, there’s no need to miss out on magical photographic moments in our everyday life. If you are looking to improve your skills and improve your content, you have come to the right place. We’ve got a few tips to ensure you are making the most of your phone’s camera and therefore your social media marketing efforts.

Lighting is key

Photography is all about light, and shooting on a phone is no exception to this obvious factor. Avoid direct and harsh light, particularly when shooting portraits, as it will lead to squinty eyes and harsh shadows. The ‘golden hour’ to shoot is just after sunrise or the brief time with the soft light before sunset, so when possible, take photos during these times.

Use symmetry

A good social media feed revolves around the consideration of aesthetics, and there is something so satisfying when viewing a symmetrical image. Take notice of patterns, lines and horizons.

Look out for good reflections

Along with symmetry, reflections are pleasing to the eye and simple to capture. An interesting reflection or shadow can be a subject in its own right. Make sure though when you are shooting a horizon or something similar, that it is straight. You can edit this in post-production but it is much easier if you get it right when taking the photo.

Show depth in your photos

Particularly when shooting landscapes, it’s important to show depth in a photo. Watch where your phone is focusing and how dramatically the light can change when altering focus points. You can drag your finger along the exposure tool when tapping the screen to focus if you want to manually control this.

Choose strong subjects to shoot​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

What this is will vary from one person to the next, but when you photograph something you are genuinely interested in, it will show in your work. When choosing what to photograph, if you want impact, and strong subjects, make it something that interests you or that you are passionate about. You will find it easier to capture the subject if it is something that you are interested in, making it easier for the images to resonate with the viewers.

Look for unique angles and perspectives

You might think everything has been done before but it is not a question of that, it’s about pursuing photography to find your own style. Find fresh perspectives by trying new and different angles, or taking a few steps in a different direction. Particularly with objects or landscapes that are photographed quite frequently. Before taking the photo, think of a unique way to capture what’s in front of you.

Capture close-up detail

Make the most of the improving smartphone camera quality. Whether it is plants, portraits or architecture, get up close and personal and highlight the detail of your subject.

Use apps to edit and enhance your photos

Once you have captured your images, it’s time to edit and enhance them. Apps like VSCO (an app filled with tools and filters) and Snapseed (lots of smartphone users swear by this) are great and easy to use. Subtle adjustments work wonders!

Now that you have these tips, take your phone and explore what’s around you. Remember to look for fresh perspectives and shoot what interests you!

Keep in mind, however, that while phone images are great and very relevant for Instagram and Facebook stories, they should not be solely relied on for professional social media accounts.


For more info on professional photography options or how best to manage your social media accounts, get in touch with us at We can guide you through the tricky realm of social media marketing till you’re your own expert
